business activities

The vertical business model of the Company was created to organize the effective work of all segments and meets the strategic goals in the interests of all stakeholders. Falcon Petro & Investment Int' Company pays great attention to the implementation of international projects in the field of oil and gas exploration and production in the Middle East and Central Asia, in West Africa, Europe and Central America, and the bulk of current oil supply comes from unique and large fields.

The most effective technologies, in terms of improving the quality of mounting wells, are the use of cement grade G, expanding cement material, the use of cuff cementing devices, and in part of achieving high oil production rates - the construction of horizontal and multilateral wells.

our business


  • Sales of oil and gas product

  • Distribution of resource supplies

  • Increase efficiency

  • Drilling

Our storage are integrated with each other through pipelines, terminals and barges to maximize operational efficiency. The transportation links that connect our storage allow us to transfer intermediate products to optimize operations, produce higher margins and efficiently use our refining capacity.

scope and ACTIVITIES of services